About Cees Jansen

Astrology, Cryptography, Metaphysics, Transpersonal counseling

Cees Jansen Dr.ir. Cees Jansen is a former professor of cryptology at the Eindhoven University of Technology TU/e. In October 2011, after more than three decades of scientific and technological activities, I go through a special awareness experience. Since then I look at the perceived reality much more from a philosophical, metaphysical perspective.

Astrology crossed my path in 1976 and since then I regularly look at the charts. Already more than 20 years ago I started to deepen my knowledge of various religions. I am especially interested in the apocrypha, the Hermetica, and mysticism. In 2012 Astrology started developing into the most important of my activities. This happened after my second Saturn return at the end of 2012. I decided seriously to start studying again and develop the less developed areas of my brain. A three years study in Utrecht gave me a broad and deeper understanding of philosophy, religions, Jungian psychoanalysis and transpersonal counseling.

Cryptography is no longer one of my activities, but mathematics still is and will be! I am an  astrologer and metaphysician, regularly presenting workshops, readings, lectures, and also giving private consults. I have several personal projects, that receive my time, energy and creativity every now and then, but these can be in hibernation state for some months. To name a few: the Golden Ratio, Music from Fibonacci and Transcendental Numbers, the Platonic Solids, Timeless Reality. I consider these activities of alchemistic nature, to provide insight into the structure of the cosmos. Have a look at my P&P page.